A practical joke played by or on a wrestler.

Hello wrestling fans!

During the span of a long professional career, a wrestler gathers his fair share of experiences and fond memories. Although interesting and sometimes even downright funny, these great “road tales” may often go the wayside as they occur behind-the-scenes. In many an interview session with the press and TV, these stories have surfaced in casual conversation but never made it to the final print. It would seem a shame for a true fan of the sport of Professional Wrestling to be deprived of these great remembrances.

Here in this blog, I will share candid stories with you from my career as a Professional Wrestler. Experience what it was like to be on the road and get a glimpse of what happened after the matches and outside the ring. I welcome you all and hope you’ll enjoy these “wrestling ribs.”

“Wrestling Ribs” is the blog of former professional wrestler Duane Bailey a.k.a. Don Anderson. It is a nostalgic look at a wrestler’s life from behind-the-scenes. Read about wrestling high jinks and candid stories from the road, the ring, and life beyond the mat.